

Client: Rebecca Gil. Meraki Tanttak.
Material: Paper
Illustration for the story «Txapelorri» included in the book of rhymed tales «Meraki Tanttak» written and published by Rebecca Gil.
Photography: Rubén García @garciablazquezfoto.

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Meraki Tanttak

In an unhappy fish bowl,
it lived a red fish,
Txapelgorri was its name,
and very trapped it felt…

Meraki Tanttak is the literary venture of Rebecca Gil. Using her particular imagery, she has produced a box full of emotions containing two books. The first one features 11 delightfully written rhymed stories. A group of Navarrese illustrators have brought them to life and the children from Chysallis Euskal Herria have put all their magic into one of them.

Each story deals with different situations, emotions and feelings. Bonds, disabilities, autism, gender identity or death, are some of the topics which are mentioned in this first volume.

In the second book, we can find support for every one of the tales, that is , a resource bank to work on each aspect which is proposed in the stories.

“Txapelgorri” is the tale that I have chosen to illustrate. From the first moment, I felt that it was the story I wanted to bring to life. Maybe because that unstoppable desire that little fish had to leave its comfort zone and swim in the ocean but also due to the open end which is proposed in the story. I chose the end, but everyone can make their own interpretation. That is the magic of Meraki Tanttak!
