Window display “Il giardino”
Shop window for Montiel Jewelry
Main material: paper
Photography: Rubén García @garciablazquezfoto
Montiel jewelry
“Il giardiano” is the evocative title we have chosen for this window shop project. The aim of this proposal is to enhance the products of Montiel Jewellers in a creative way and transform the window shop in an actual experience. It is displayed in six windows, three at the front and three at the sides, being the shop under an archway.
At the front, two gardeners frame the facade. They are the ones in charge of watering and looking after this peculiar garden in which beautiful jewels flourish. In the central window a green house stands out. Who has been messing around? A stunning Vhernier snake which has curiously sneaked inside.
At the sides of the shop, we are surprised by “Il Giardino al tramonto”. At dawn, one has to be patient and observe everything with curiosity to discover the peculiar animal inhabitants and the beautiful watches that flourish among the diverse plants and flowers which decorate this garden.
Everyone of the pieces is full of details and has been handcrafted with paper. See detail in design of characters: “Character design”